Thanks for visiting our blog for new coaches. To get started, please introduce yourself and let the group know what type of role you'll be playing in your coaching work. Are you a full time coach? Part-time? Elementary, middle, or high school? What else should we know about you?
I am an author, a self employed coach, and a reading and writing consultant. I heard Diane speak at Michigan Reading Association several years ago. I use her book as the first book club book in my university class, Coaching Practicum. I post new lessons on my blog almost every day.
It sounds like you bring terrific perspective and experience. We will look forward to your future postings.
Hey Diane!
I would like offer a bit of a testimonial if I may. Diane works with the coaches in our district at least a couple of times per year. I know that she was instrumental in helping our current coaching model get started as well as helping us to shape it as we move forward. I am just completing my second year as a coach.
As I move forward as a coach in a somewhat shifted capacity toward technology integration, I am certain that I will call upon "micro coaching" techniques that I learned from Diane. I am proud to be heading into this new direction that I am so passionate about. One big reason I feel so good about it is the fact that the way all things *technology* related are typically treated in education.
Technology has most often been treated as peripheral to classroom learning. I really feel that being at least somewhat versed as a generalist instructional coach, I will be able to shift so much of the work I do with teachers away from the "tools" of technology and toward the heart of the instruction they are shooting for.
I too am exploring blogdom with my first cohort of 20 teachers for the coming year. I have recently set up a little social network to facilitate our learning at:
I have chosen two texts that are due to arrive soon (Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools & In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms). Our reflections and connections will soon be seen in blog posts at this site as well as many other artifacts of and tools for our learning.
I wouldn't feel as comfortable as I do about potentially using technology to make an impact in the lives of these teachers (and especially their students) if it weren't for the help from Diane and my tight little cohort of coaches in the SJSD.
Sean- Thanks for the support! It will be great to hear all that comes from your work around coaching that integrates technology.
How you use blogs with teachers will be very interesting and it's a tool many coaches are interested in trying. Keep checking back and we'll take some time to directly focus on the technology aspect of coaching in the near future.
I am brand new to the world of coaching, and am currently working alongside our other district coaches with Diane. I have taught kindergarten, first, second, gifted K-5 and gifted freshmen and sophomores, and I absolutely love everything about teaching reading and writing. I am thrilled and overwhelmed to be embarking on a new journey, and I'm so excited to have this forum to hear perspectives of other new people! And Diane, today was GREAT!
Thanks for your post Kathy...can't wait to see where this year takes us!
Hi everyone!
I'm a third year coach, but still feel like a newbie! Before coaching, I taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades and spent one year as a Behavior Specialist. My first year of coaching was in Orange County, Florida. Now, I work with Parkway School District near St. Louis, Missouri. I'm so excited to share ideas and learn even more!
- Mandy Kelly
Hi! This year will be my first time coaching. I taught Kindergarten, first grade, and then became a title 1 teacher/ reading specialist. An opportunity came up this year to get some experience in coaching. Diane will be working with the coaches in our district. I am very nervous but very excited at the same time! I really enjoyed our time today with Diane and looking forward to learning and growing so much more!
~Grace Park
I've just finished my first year as a coach for the St. Joseph School District in St. Joseph, MO. As for some background info, I started teaching as a self-contained 6th grade teacher. I then moved on to teaching science for middle school students for several years. Prior to working for the SJSD, I worked for a grant supporting middle school science teachers for 2 years. The goal was to help the teachers increase their use of inquiry in the classroom as an instuctional tool.
I still have a lot I want to learn about coaching in general and am excited to be a particpant in the blog for the school year!
Hi everyone!
In August, I will enter into my second year of coaching. Before taking on my current position, I taught first and second grade. I have read Diane's book Learning Along the Way and am hoping to implement this coaching model more effectively this year. The world of coaching is still very new to me so I am excited about the opportunity to visit this blog in order to connect and learn from others in the same position. Along the way, I hope to share my ideas and insights as well!
-Lana O. :)
Welcome new friends! I look forward to hearing more from ourgroup as the year progresses.
We are in the midst of a discussion about how to spend the first few weeks of the school year. Please join in and let us know what you are thinking about.
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