Thursday, June 26, 2008

Keep visiting and join in the discussion

Each week or two, I will add a new post to continue the conversation. Please respond to one another and I will respond as well. Visit regularly as the topics will change and evolve.

What should I be doing on the first days of school?

As a teacher I loved the hot days in late July when I'd return to duty to set up my classroom. The book bins would be just so. The desks set up in groups. The daily schedule carefully penned next to the board.

Then I became a literacy coach. Instead of setting up my own classroom, I started wandering aimlessly around the school offering my services, "Would you like help moving desks?" "Need help organizing book bins?"

The hardest part was the first day of school. I observed as the teachers carried their class lists out to the blacktop to meet their new charges. Children with their new school clothes and backpacks were lined up and ready to love their new teacher. Hugs were shared, welcomes given, they marched into their classrooms; and there I stood. It was too early to start “coaching” and I didn’t really know what that meant anyway. I couldn’t hang out in the front office or everybody would know that I didn’t have anything to do. What should I do?

Since coaching depends on relationships, what might you do in the first days of school to get coaching off on the right foot? Please share some things you have tried or ideas that you might try? What has worked? What questions do you have?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Let's Get Started

Thanks for visiting our blog for new coaches. To get started, please introduce yourself and let the group know what type of role you'll be playing in your coaching work. Are you a full time coach? Part-time? Elementary, middle, or high school? What else should we know about you?